Face Jewel steigearan
Goirid Tuairisgeul:
❤ Product advantage:1. Super quality acrylic/crystal material.2. Fashionable patterns and customized design available.3. eco friendly sticky strong glue.❤ Selling Points:1. Easy to apply just peel and stick.2. Instantly brighten anywhere you like.3. Removable, repositionable, reusable.4. Eco-friendly materials and Non-toxic, pass EN71-3, REACH, Phthalate Free.5. Great fun for decoration.❤ Application method:1. Remove dirty surface of object before use it.2. Confirm the size wha...
bathar Detail
bathar Tags
❤ Bathar brath:
1. Super càileachd acrylic / criostal stuth.
2. Fashionable pàtrain agus gnàthail dealbhadh ri fhaotainn.
3. eco càirdeil steigeach làidir glaodh.
❤ 'reic Points:
1. Easy tagradh a chur dìreach Peel agus maide.
2. bhad shoilleire an àite sam bith a thogras tu.
3. falbh, repositionable, reusable.
4. Eag-stuthan càirdeil agus neo-puinnseanta, seachad EN71-3, ruigsinneachd, Phthalate Saor an-asgaidh.
5. Great spòrsail airson sgeadachadh.
❤ Iarrtas dòigh:
1. Thoir salach uachdar nì mus cleachdadh IT.
2. Dearbhaich am meud dè dh'fheumas tu, Peel le plier agus stob dìreach air nì.
3. Pree e airson grunn mionaid gus an fix gu leòr.
❤ Panelec: Cùm air falbh bho clann a fo 3 bliadhna a sheachnadh iad ga ithe.