Glaineid Pòlainnis (JC2018N-011)

Goirid Tuairisgeul:
100% Brand New and High Quality.Great for Both Professional Nail Specialist or Nail Art Learners.These premium hearts stars nail art glitter can be applied with top coat or glue.DIY,enjoy your imagination,you can decorate whatever you’d like! your cell phone, mirror, or anything you want !
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100% Brand New agus àrd-inbhe.
Great airson an dà Proifeiseanta Nail Speisealaiche no Nail Art luchd-ionnsachaidh.
Tha iad sin a tàilleabh cridheachan chleasaiche nail art lainnir a chur an sàs le mullach còta no glaodh.
DIY, a 'gabhail tlachd do mhac-meanmna, faodaidh sibh a sgeadachadh ge bith dè bu toigh leat! do roghainnean fòn, sgàthan, no rud sam bith a thu ag iarraidh!
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