Maireannach Nail Pòlainnis (2018N-008)

Goirid Tuairisgeul:
.head-wrapper{z-index:10001;} .lightbox{position:relative;}SERVICE – If you have any questions about the product or do not satisfied,please feel free to contact us, we will reply within 24 hours or provide an unconditional refund.Due to the unique matte formulation, color is not as long-wearing as traditional nail color, The color peacock is a blend of matte base and shimmer glitter.Other Colors are simply matte ones.Professional quality with quick dry nail formula ingredi...
bathar Detail
bathar Tags
- SEIRBHEIS - Ma tha ceistean sam bith mu dheidhinn a 'bhathar no nach eil riaraichte, cuiribh fios a chur thugainn, cuiridh sinn freagairt taobh a-staigh 24 uairean a thìde no gun chumhachan a thoirt seachad an aisig air ais.
- Seach gu sònraichte matte cruthachadh, dath chan eil e cho fada '-aodach traidiseanta mar nail dath, Tha na dathan a' pheucag mar mheasgachadh de matte ionad agus shimmer glitter.Other Colors tha dìreach matte fheadhainn.
- Proifeiseanta càileachd le luath tioram nail foirmle tàthchuid a 'sealltainn super matte nail dath.
- Neo puinnseanta agus cha sgàineadh no milleadh ìnean; minimal fàileadh.
- 15 làithean plus àrda coileanaidh aodach. Soaks tur dheth ann an 10 gu 15 mionaidean.
- Leigheasan-iomlan fo an lampa LED airson 30 diog no UV lampa airson 2 mionaid.
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