Gel Polish (JC2018N-006)

Gel Polish (JC2018N-006)

Luv hauj lwm:

DAIM NTAWV THOV: 1. Tshem tawm cov cuticle, luas lub ntug, txhuam koj cov rau tes thiab kom paub tseeb tias lawv yog qhuav thiab clean.2. Thov puag lub tsho tiv no - kho nrog LED los yog UV teeb. (UV teeb rau 1 min, LED teeb rau 30 secs) -Nws yog dab tsi rau ib lub hauv paus tsho tiv no kom stick tom qab tua-3. Thov 1 nyias lub tsho tiv no ntawm polish - kho. (UV teeb rau 2 mins, LED teeb rau 30-60 secs) 4. Thov 2nd nyias lub tsho tiv no ntawm polish - kho. (UV teeb rau 2 mins, LED teeb rau 30-60 secs) - Thov 3 lub tsho tiv no yog necessary.5. Thov saum CoA ...

  • FOB Nqe: US $ 0.5 - 9.999 / Daim
  • Min.Order Quantity: 100 Daim / Daim
  • Mov Muaj peev xwm: 10000 Daim / Daim ib lub hli
  • Chaw nres nkoj: Shenzhen
  • Ntsiab lus uas them: T / T
  • khoom Nthuav dav

    khoom cim npe

    1. Tshem cov cuticle, luas lub ntug, txhuam koj cov rau tes thiab kom paub tseeb tias lawv yog qhuav thiab huv si.
    2. Thov puag lub tsho tiv no - kho nrog LED los yog UV teeb. (UV teeb rau 1 min, LED teeb rau 30 secs)
    -Nws yog dab tsi rau ib lub hauv paus tsho tiv no kom stick tom qab curing-
    3. Thov 1 nyias lub tsho tiv no ntawm polish - kho. (UV teeb rau 2 mins, LED teeb rau 30-60 secs)
    4. Thov kev pab 2nd nyias lub tsho tiv no ntawm polish - kho. (UV teeb rau 2 mins, LED teeb rau 30-60 secs)
    - Thov 3 lub tsho tiv no, yog hais tias tsim nyog.
    5. Thov saum toj lub tsho tiv no - kho. (UV teeb rau 2 mins, LED teeb rau 30-60 secs)
    6. So tes nrog muab tshuaj ntxuav cawv rau tshem tawm residue.

    Kauj ruam 1: Tsau paj rwb ntaub qhwv to nrog acetone.
    Kauj ruam 2: Qhwv nyob ib ncig ntawm txhua tus ntsia thawv nrog tin ntawv ci so rau approx. 10 feeb,
    saib yog tias npaj txhij yog hais tias tsis tawm ib tug ob peb feeb ntau.
    Kauj ruam 3: Siv ib tug txiv kab ntxwv stick los yog ib tug cuticle pushier kom tshem tawm softened gel.

    Peel tau yooj yim?
    1. Nco ntsoov cap tus ntsia thawv ntug thaum peb thov cov xim gel.
    2. Tshem lub cuticle, luas lub ntug, txhuam koj cov rau tes thiab kom paub tseeb tias lawv yog qhuav thiab huv si.
    3. Peb yuav tsis muaj lub polish txuas mus rau hauv daim tawv nqaij los yog cuticle txwv tsis pub nws yuav yooj yim rau dhas tawm.
    4. Tsis txhob siv overmuch puag lub tsho tiv no los yog sab saum toj lub tsho tiv no thiab, thinner, qhov zoo, los yog nws yuav tau txais lub gel shrunk thiab peeled tawm.

    Tsis qhuav?
    Thov kos rau lub wattage ntawm nej lub teeb. Yog koj tsuas tua rau 30 vib nas this?
    Peb xav kom:
    Base lub tsho tiv no kho rau 30 secs.
    Gel polish txhua lub tsho tiv no - 60 secs.
    Sab saum toj lub tsho tiv no - 60 secs.
    Siv cawv paj rwb.

    Heev tuab?
    Thov txhua nyias lub tsho tiv no yog tus yuam sij, kom paub tseeb tias tus txhuam tsis
    muaj ntau heev rau nws ua ntej pib tus cwj nrag.

    Gel Polish (JC2018N-006)

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