Mma ASSESSORIES ntu Art ngwa iwu

Mma ASSESSORIES ntu Art ngwa iwu

Short Description:

Nail Art Brush and Dotting Tools – Now your able to combine your creativeness with these creative tools.Do it yourself instead of over pay at a shop.Amazing Extra Gift , NOW ORDER 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.This product is without case/box, we packed the goods well in an envelope.We aim to offer the best products and value to our customers instead of extra package.Come with 16pc x Nail Decals(with different designs), 5pc x Nail Decoration Stones (With different shapes), 5pc/set x ...

  • FOB Price: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Ibe
  • Min.Order ibu: 100 Ibe / iberibe
  • Tụkwasịnụ Ikike: 10000 Ibe / iberibe kwa ọnwa
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Ịkwụ Ụgwọ Okwu: T / T
  • Product Ihe

    Product Tags

    Ntu Art ahịhịa na Dotting Ngwaọrụ - Ugbu a gị ike ikpokọta gị creativeness ndị a okike ngwaọrụ.
    Ndi ya onwe gị kama n'elu ụgwọ na a ahịa.
    Amazing Extra Onyinye, UGBU A ịtụ 100% afọ ojuju nkwa.
    Ngwaahịa a bụ enweghị ikpe / igbe, anyị juru n'ọnụ ngwongwo ọma na ihe envelope.We nzube enye ihe kasị mma ngwaahịa na uru ahịa anyị kama extra ngwugwu.
    Bịa na 16pc x Ntu Decals (iche iche na aghụghọ), 5pc x Ntu Ịchọ Mma Nkume (Na iche iche shapes), 5pc / set x Ntu Dotting Pen, 5Pcs x Ntu File ruo, 1Set x Ntu zọ Ogbo.
    5 wheel nke ntu mma rhinestones, na ụdị dị iche iche, multi-agba. Ntu zọ ogbo enyere gị aka gbanye mkpọrọgwụ grajentị agba Polish na ntu.

    Tinye 1 ma ọ bụ ọtụtụ agba ntu Polish na ogbo, ekpuchi stampụ ntu na ubé ete ime grajentị agba mmetụta ntu.

    Mma Assessories Ntu Art Kit

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