Chrome mirror ntụ ntụ

Short Description:
Pearlescent Gloss – The aurora powder shinning like sea pearl and will give your nail feeling like pearl when you apply it with white base gel.Chrome Effect – Ultra fine powder takes great chrome effect, if you like the effect as picture, so you must apply them with white gel or black gel.Endless Combination – It will change color according to the light and different color gel polish you apply. 7 jar nail powder can match with any color gel polish, get endless combin...
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Product Tags
Pearlescent Gloss - The Aurora powder shinning ka oké osimiri pearl na ga-enye gị ntu mmetụta dị ka pearl mgbe ị na-etinye ya na-acha ọcha isi jel.
Chrome Mmetụta - Ultra ezi ntụ ntụ na-ewe oké chrome mmetụta, ma ọ bụrụ na ị na-amasị na mmetụta dị ka foto, otú ị ga-etinye ha na-acha ọcha jel ma ọ bụ nwa jel.
Ebighebi Nchikota - Ọ ga-agbanwe agba dị ka ìhè na agba dị iche jel Polish ị na-eme. 7 ite ntu powder nwere ike dakọtara na ihe ọ bụla na agba jel Polish,-adịghị agwụ agwụ Nchikota mmetụta.
Easy Iji Gbasoo - Elu àgwà iji hụ nnọọ mfe iji, ekwe ka ị na-Mmanya quality manicures n'ụlọ!
High Quality - Mere nke kasị mma mgwa, anyị na-anwale anyị ngwaahịa ọtụtụ iji hụ na a ezigbo kenkowaputa imecha!
Hot Trend - Ma usoro nke ngwa, na ọmarịcha ihe ndị kacha ekpo ọkụ ugbu ọhụrụ na-emekarị n'ihi manicures nke a oge.