Choker tato sak wentoro
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Features:❤ Match with suitable apparel for different occasion.❤ They are back to create that great vintage stylish and fashionable look now.❤ Special Design and unique structure, a popular item.❤ Non-toxic and waterproof.❤ 100% water resistant, sweat-proof, safe and non-toxic, these flash temporary tattoos last 5 to 7 days when used as directed. A perfect gift idea and great party accessory for everybody – adults and kids both love them.❤ You can save precious time with quick ...
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❤ Cocokake karo rasukan cocok kanggo wusana beda.
❤ Padha bali kanggo nggawe sing Vintage dipikir gayane lan modern gedhe saiki.
❤ Design astamiwa lan struktur unik, item populer.
❤ Non-beracun lan anti banyu.
❤ 100% banyu tahan, kringet-bukti, aman lan non-beracun, iki kerlip tato sak wentoro pungkasan 5 tekan 7 dina nalika digunakake minangka katuntun. A hadiah idea sampurna lan aksesoris partai gedhe kanggo wong - wong diwasa lan bocah loro tresna mau.
❤ Sampeyan bisa nyimpen wektu larang regane karo tato sak wentoro cepet lan gampang lan supaya proses dhowo pangatusan utawa njupuk care saka tato nyata!