Foil pucuk nggabung karo PADS katun
Short Description:
Descriptions:100% Brand New And High Quality.Can efficiently remove acrylic polish and UV gel etc.Disposable, hygienic & aesthetic.Wrap up by foil to prevent leakage effectively during the process.Very simple and easy to use, cotton pad and aluminum foil, two in one.Suitable for professional salon use or home use. Usage:1. Remove a foil wrap self contained cotton pad.2. Pour a small amount of Nail product Remover on the pad.3. Make sure the pad completely covers the fingernail...
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100% Brand New Lan Quality High.
Irit bisa mbusak polish acrylic lan UV gel etc.
Disposable, hygienic & estetis.
Lebokake munggah dening foil kanggo nyegah bocor èfèktif sak proses.
Banget prasaja lan gampang kanggo nggunakake, katun pad lan aluminium foil, loro ing siji.
Cocog kanggo nggunakake salon profesional utawa nggunakake ngarep.
1. Copot foil bungkus sing poto pad katun.
2. Pour jumlah cilik saka Remover produk Nail ing dialpad.
3. Priksa manawa pad rampung isine kuku ing.
4. Lebokake foil sak driji tightly supaya dialpad kuwat panutup lan ndemek kuku ing.
5. Ninggalake ing Panggonan kanggo kira-kira. 10 menit.
6. Ati-ati kanggo mbusak foil saka driji.
7. Priksa kanggo ndeleng yen gel utawa produk acrylic wis teka mati pucuk. Yèn mangkono, mbusak foil lan pad saka pucuk.
8. Ngresiki mati apa produk isih.
9. Nerusake karo manicure utawa produk re-aplikasi.