Tahan pucuk polish (2018N-008)
Short Description:
.head-wrapper{z-index:10001;} .lightbox{position:relative;}SERVICE – If you have any questions about the product or do not satisfied,please feel free to contact us, we will reply within 24 hours or provide an unconditional refund.Due to the unique matte formulation, color is not as long-wearing as traditional nail color, The color peacock is a blend of matte base and shimmer glitter.Other Colors are simply matte ones.Professional quality with quick dry nail formula ingredi...
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- SERVICE - Yen sampeyan duwe pitakonan bab prodhuk utawa ora wareg, please aran gratis kanggo hubungi kita, kita bakal reply ing 24 jam utawa nyedhiyani mbalekaken unconditional.
- Amarga ngrumusake matte unik, werna ora anggere ngagem warna pucuk tradisional, werna merak punika gabungan saka basa matte lan shimmer glitter.Other Werna sing mung matte gedhe-gedhe.
- kualitas profesional karo cepet úa rumus pucuk garing kang nuduhake werna matte pucuk super.
- Non beracun lan ora kokain utawa kuku karusakan; ambu ora enak tithik.
- 15 dina plus nyandhang kinerja dhuwur. Soaks rampung mati ing 10 kanggo 15 menit.
- Cures sampurna ing lampu LED 30 detik utawa lampu UV 2 menit.