Pucuk CANDY SANDY wêdakakêna

Short Description:
100% brand new high quality.Nail decoration Easy to apply on natural or artificial nails.You can also use them to decorate your home, cell phone’s case, glasses, made card, body art, etc.Create your own pattern and add shiny colors to our nail art.The box Loading powder has been replaced with better and bigger quality box.
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100% account anyar kualitas dhuwur.
Nail hiasan Gampang kanggo aplikasi ing kuku alam utawa Ponggawa.
Sampeyan uga bisa digunakake kanggo dekorasi ngarep, cilik sel telpon, kaca tingal, digawe kertu, seni awak, etc.
Nggawe pola dhewe lan nambah werna mengilap seni pucuk kita.
Kothak Loading wêdakakêna wis diganti karo kothak luwih apik lan ageng kualitas.
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