Pucuk GLOW ing peteng bubuk

Short Description:
We use high-quality products, reasonable prices for every beauty of women to create their own image temperament.Notes:1 Please get it full basked in the sunshine or the lamp and then it can be shine in the dark.2 Please use it with UV Gel and the proportion of powder will be more, you can also ajust the proportion of powder to get better effect.Feature:Can be used to mix acrylic powder for acrylic Use.12 colors.How to use:1. Prepare your nails with UV base coat and curing it under UV ...
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Kita nggunakake produk kualitas, prices cukup kanggo saben kaendahan wanita kanggo nggawe yoiku gambar dhewe.
1 Mangga njaluk lengkap basked ing Sunshine utawa lampu lan banjur bisa dadi jenenge sing kawentar ing peteng.
2 Mangga nggunakake karo UV Gel lan babagan bubuk bakal luwih, sampeyan uga bisa ajust babagan bubuk kanggo entuk efek sing luwih apik.
Bisa digunakake kanggo nyampur wêdakakêna acrylic kanggo Gunakake acrylic.
12 werna.
Carane nggunakake:
1. Siapke kuku karo basa UV jas lan ngruwat iku ing lampu UV.
2. Mix ora ngilangke UV ndhuwur jas lan bubuk cetha roto-roto.
3. Aplikasi dhateng kuku Panjenengan.
4. Baleni langkah 2 tekan sampeyan lagi wareg karo efek.
5. wudo lan Gamelan pucuk karo buffer kuku.
6. Aplikasi UV TOP COAT lan ngobati iku ing UV / lamp.