PLANT FRANGRANCE pucuk Remover (JC2018N-016)

PLANT FRANGRANCE pucuk Remover (JC2018N-016)

Short Description:

❤ High Quality: Made of soft wipes without any additives, which is very safe and comfortable to use. Available in 3 different fruit fragrance, leaving faint fragrance in your nails after removing nail polish.❤ Product Efficacy: The use of fresh fruit ingredients to extract without hurting the skin does not hurt the skin, soft texture, friction with the skin does not hurt the skin.❤ Quickly Clean the Nail: It can be effective to clean your nail tips or removes your nail polish without hur...

  • Potongan: US $ 0,5 - 9,999 / Potongan
  • Min.Order Quantity: 100 Potongan /
  • Sumber Kabisan: 10000 Piece / Bagéyan saben Wulan
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Sarat Pembayaran: T / T
  • Detail produk

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    ❤ High Quality: Digawe saka wipes alus tanpa aditif, kang banget aman lan nyaman kanggo nggunakake. Nèng 3 wewangian woh beda, ninggalake wangi lemah ing kuku sawise njabut pucuk polish.
    ❤ Tuah Product: Panggunaan úa woh seger kanggo extract tanpa natoni kulit ora babras kulit, susunan alus, gesekan karo kulit ora babras kulit.
    ❤ Cepet Ngresiki Nail ing: Iku bisa èfèktif kanggo ngresiki tips pucuk utawa mbusak pucuk polish tanpa natoni kulit lan kuku.
    ❤ Moistens kuku Panjenengan: Plant penting lengo bakal bisa moisturize pucuk mesum, nggawe kuku Panjenengan rosy saha.
    ❤ Gampang kanggo Gunakake lan Nindakake: Wujud wipes luwih trep kanggo nggunakake uga apik kanggo mbeta.

    Tanduran Frangrance Nail Remover (JC2018N-016)

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