NAIL neynûka (K-NR1001)

Short Description:
❤ Majestic Pure Soy Nail Polish Remover Infused with Tea Tree Oil; moisturizing and hydrating; DOES NOT REMOVE GEL; made in USA.❤ Expertly formulated to with safe ingredients, no acetone, acetate, or ethyl lactate.❤ SAFETY WARNING – Rub a very small amount on the inside of your elbow area to test for any allergic reaction before use. Avoid contact with eyes, keep out of the reach of children.❤ Infused with tea tree oil with several skin and nails benefits.❤ Majestic Pure Nail Pol...
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❤ Majestic Pure Nail Soy Remover Polish Infused bi Tea Tree Oil; nermkera û hydrating; NAKE GEL Nayê Rakirin; made in USA.
❤ Expertly ji bo bi malzemeyên ewle, ti asetonê, Acetate, an ethyl lactate formulekirin.
❤ HIŞYARÎ ewleyî - rub a pir biçûk di hundir de ji herêma milê xwe ji bo ceribandina ji bo ti reaksiyona alerjiya li ber bikaranîna. Re nekevin têkiliyê bi çavên bikin, ji destên zarokan.
❤ Infused bi petrolê dara çay bi çend feydeyên çerm û bizmaran.
❤ Majestic Nail Pure Polish Remover free-zilm e.