Short Description:
Easy to apply and beauty your nail24 designs, about 4CM*100CM per rollNew arrival charming,colors may varyTips:1. Select your favorite nail foil style and cut off in suitable size.2. Applying a layer of Special Glue to your nail and waiting until it completely dry.3. Place the nail foil onto your nail and press, make sure the nail foil and nail adhesive. Than tear the nail sticker down.4. Brush a layer of top coat on your nail for protect and shining finish.
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Easy serî û bedewiya nail te
24 designs, li ser 4CM * 100cm per roll
New hatina dilkêş, bi rengên cuda ne
1. style foil nail favorite te hilbijêre û jêke li size minasib.
2. serî perdeyeke ji Glue taybet ji bo nail xwe û li benda, heta ku ew bi temamî ziwa.
3. Cihê ji foil nail tikandinê de nail û çapemeniya xwe, ka foil nail û nail hişk dibe. Ji vî nedirînin, sticker nail ya xwarê.
4. firçeya perdeyeke Nirasê top li ser nail xwe ji bo finish diparêzin û şewq dide.