Short Description:
.head-wrapper{z-index:10001;} .lightbox{position:relative;}WATER-BASED,NO CHEMICAL SMELL – Babies and kids Safe nail polish,cost-efficient and eco-friendly.Free of chemical solvents that are corrosive to your nails, Low-odor formula.QUICK DRY, NO UV LAMP, NO NAIL POLISH REMOVER – 90 seconds for each layer,lasts 2-3 Days if properly applied.effortless peel-off removal.Pick the color you like for your today’s clothes.Water-based formula air-dry nail polish, safe ...
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- -AV LI SER BINGEHÊ, NO BÊHNA CHEMICAL - Babies û kids Safe nail polish, cost-efektîv û eco-friendly.Free ji bandûra wan kîmyewî ku rizîna neynûkên xwe, formula Low-kiribű in.
- DRY KURT, NO UV LAMP, NO remover Nail Polish - 90 seconds ji bo her layer, dom dike 2-3 Rojan eger baş applied.effortless diqeşêre-off removal.Pick rengê ku te ji bo cilên îro te dixwazim.
- formula air-dry nail polish-bingeha avê, bi ewle ji bo zarokên û kids.
- rengên van ronê ya rind, birqane û hêsan paint in, heye nîgarê mezin.
- Sepandin û ziwa li minutes, ne hewce ye ku herin salon libar e.
- Em karê xwe a şûna û xizmeta vegere ji bo we, bê tu mesrefa zêde, hebe vegere peywendîyê bi piştgiriya malfiroş eger hûn ti pirsgirêk serlêdana hene.