
Sweater pattern decals are a new and exciting garment for nails that gives a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxationLONG LASTING – These tattoos will last for weeks or as long as your polish stays on!GREAT VARIETY: MIX, MATCH AND HARMONIZE – Plenty of designs to choose from. Each sheet covers 10 nails. There are enough tattoos to do manicure 10 times. For short nails it is possible to use larger designs twice by cutting it in half.Water decals have white base so it means th...

  • MALITIA Price: US $ 0.5 - 9,999 / Motet;
  • Min.Order Price: C Song / Mass
  • Facultates copiam: (X) Song / mense per fragmina
  • Portus: Shenzhen
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    Sweater decals in forma novum et excitando ad affectum dat indumentum carnis ut singuli clavi siclos solati proponebant, mutuo liberam et animi remis
    Diuturna - tattoos haec durabit quamdiu hebdomades vel ut vestri lima petris manet!
    Magna varietate distinctus Nobilis, COMPONO et CERTAMEN - De Duplici Copia designs eligere ex. Quisque sheet X tenet clavis desaevierunt. Satis facit manicure tattoos sunt ad X temporibus. Secundo usus consilio maiorum denique clavis potest bifariam secuisse.
    Et aquam turpe sit Decals stolae albae non adhibendo quaeram clavi figendi vester expolitior Decals proponere.
    Altitudinem aquam lapsus signa clara repente Decals typis splendidis imaginem facere possis

    1. quiddam clavus ad superficiem cum a fine sanding obstructionum sunt.
    2. Product removere a amet, interficiam fere instar sicco desideravit tingite in 10-20 secundis, in aquam.
    3. lucide perfunde inde unguem quicquam, supplantabuntur in obice sensim per forcipe clavus ad superficiem et instare firmiter.
    4. Usus mollis linteo ad hauriendum excessus aqua.
    5. applicare summo tunica et tunica dum sollicite infectum est, removere aut imminentium decal aurantiacis lignum unum apicem dente. Et ne laedas in consilio.

    Clavus in obice sweater

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