Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:
100% Brand New and High Quality.Great for Both Professional Nail Specialist or Nail Art Learners.These premium hearts stars nail art glitter can be applied with top coat or glue.DIY,enjoy your imagination,you can decorate whatever you’d like! your cell phone, mirror, or anything you want !
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100% Brand ġodda u Kwalità Għolja.
Kbira għall Kemm Professjonali dwiefer Specialist jew dwiefer Art Studenti.
Dawn qlub primjum stilla tad-dwiefer arti glitter jistgħu jiġu applikati bil-pil jew kolla fuq.
DIY, igawdu immaġinazzjoni tiegħek, inti tista 'dekorazzjoni tkun xi tkun tixtieq! cell phone tiegħek, mera, jew xi ħaġa li trid!
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