LINJI ġeometrika TIPS dwiefer SQUARE
Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:
❤ Natural looking with beautiful design.❤ Make your fingers look longer and more slender.❤ Easy to apply on fingers and can be fixed by yourself at home.❤ With proper nail care, they can last a long time and are very robust.❤ Be noted that the glue need to be prepared by buyers.
Dettall tal-prodott
prodott Tags
❤ naturali tfittex mad-disinn sbieħ.
❤ Jagħmlu swaba tiegħek ħarsa itwal u aktar Slender.
❤ Faċli biex japplikaw fuq swaba u jista 'jiġi ffissat mill yourself fid-dar.
❤ Bil-kura tad-dwiefer xierqa, huma jista 'jdum għal żmien twil u huma qawwija ħafna.
❤ Be innota li l-kolla bżonn tkun ippreparata minn xerrejja.
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