Short Description:
❤ High Quality: Made of soft wipes without any additives, which is very safe and comfortable to use. Available in 3 different fruit fragrance, leaving faint fragrance in your nails after removing nail polish.❤ Product Efficacy: The use of fresh fruit ingredients to extract without hurting the skin does not hurt the skin, soft texture, friction with the skin does not hurt the skin.❤ Quickly Clean the Nail: It can be effective to clean your nail tips or removes your nail polish without hur...
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❤ High Quality: wakagadzirwa nyoro ndokupisika pasina yokuvirisa, ndiro yakachengeteka chaizvo uye vakasununguka kushandisa. Available muna 3 siyana muchero munhuwi, vachisiya vanoziya munhuwi mune nzara yenyu pashure achibvisa chipikiri wePolish.
❤ Product Efficacy: Kushandiswa yakachena muchero zvinhu dzokubvisa pasina kukuvadza ganda asingadi kurwadzisa ganda, nyoro magadzirirwo, kukweshera ganda asingadi kurwadzisa ganda.
❤ Kurumidza Geza Nail: Zvinogona inobudirira kuchenesa wako ezvipikiri mazano kana inobvisa renyu chipikiri poricha pasina kukuvadza ganda rako uye nezvipikiri.
❤ Moistens Nails Your: Plant kuchikosha anonhuwirira chirungiso anogona moisturize chipikiri horny, zvichiita nzara yenyu hwakanaka uye kupenyerera.
❤ Nyore Kushandisa uye Takura: The wechinhu ndokupisika yamunenge kushandisa uyewo zvikuru kutakura.