QODOBO ciddiyaha Faransiiska (Shaaha galabtii)

Description Gaaban:
❤ Last up to at least 5 days and can be reused.❤ 240 nails&12 different sizes, with mini file & manicure stick❤ Acrylic-infused technology for durable wear❤ Suitable for most people of different finger sizes,for professional salon or home use.❤ Simple package ,cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
Product Detail
Tags Product
Socon ❤ in ugu yaraan 5 maalmood iyo in loo kartaa.
❤ 240 ciddiyaha & 12 iskeel oo kala duwan, la file mini & ul iyo lugaha
❤ technology looxa-maragyo duqoobin raagaya
❤ Habboon ee loogu talagalay dadka ugu tirada farta kala duwan, waayo salon xirfadeed ama isticmaalka guriga.
❤ xirmo Simple, jaban iyo bii'ada.
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