Faydi cidiyaha (K-NR1002)

Description Gaaban:
❤ Majestic Pure Soy Nail Polish Remover Infused with Tea Tree Oil; moisturizing and hydrating; DOES NOT REMOVE GEL; made in USA.❤ Expertly formulated to with safe ingredients, no acetone, acetate, or ethyl lactate.❤ SAFETY WARNING – Rub a very small amount on the inside of your elbow area to test for any allergic reaction before use. Avoid contact with eyes, keep out of the reach of children.❤ Infused with tea tree oil with several skin and nails benefits.❤ Majestic Pure Nail Pol...
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❤ sitemapSii Soy daahir ah Faydi Polish adkaade maragyo leh Shaaha Tree Oil, huurka iyo fuuq; MA FUR gel; sameeyey USA.
❤ qibradiisa u diyaariyey in la maaddooyinka ammaan ah, acetone lahayn, copolymer, ama lactate ethyl.
❤ WARNING AMMAANKA - xoq qadar aad u yar oo ku saabsan gudaha aagga xusul si aad u baaro fal-celin kasta oo xasaasiyad inta aan la isticmaalin. Ka fogow taabashada indhaha la, sii out of carruurtu gaari karin.
❤ maragyo saliid geed shaaha la dhowr faa'iidooyinka maqaarka iyo ciddiyaha.
❤ sitemapSii ka daahirane ah adkaade Polish Faydi waa naxariis-free.