Warqad yar ciddiyaha EVC
Description Gaaban:
Note:You may stick the sticker to your hand 3-4 times to make it a little less tacky as they are super sticky.Feature:The easiest way to get the cutest manicures in the simplest stepsTop quality vinyl to make sure you get the cleanest lines with no leakageMulti different geometric designs for your choicesInstructions:1. Apply nail polish to your nail bed.2. Apply a quick dry topcoat.3. Choose the stencil design you like.4. Use nipper to get the nail vinyls, and then place it to you...
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Fiiro gaar ah:
Waxaad dhegi laga yaabaa in warqad yar ee gacantiinna in 3-4 jeer si ay u yar yar tacky sida ay super dheg yihiin.
Habka ugu fudud si aad u hesho Cidiyahaaga eyadda in tallaabooyinka ugu fudud ee
vinylalkohol tayada Top si loo hubiyo in aad hesho khadadka ugu nadiifsan la baxsiga ma
naqshado kala duwan joomateri Multi aad doorashooyin
1. Codso ciddiyaha in aad sariirta cidiyaha.
2. Codso a topcoat qalalan deg deg ah.
3. Dooro design Stencil aad jeceshahay ah.
4. Isticmaal nipper si aad u hesho vinyls dhidibkii, ka dibna ku rid in cidiyahaaga.
(Hubi in si adag ee hoos u vinyls dhidibkii in meesha laga saaro wax kasta oo goobooyin hawo).
5. Dalbo dhalaalin on top aad cidiyaha iyo markaas ka qaad vinyls dhidibkii.
6. Sug inta polish ayaa gebi ahaanba la qalajiyey ka hor inta codsanaya topcoat.