Acrylic phofo Nail
Short Tlhaloso:
Feature:Ideal for both professional and personal use.21 different Powder.Varying colors of plain acrylic powders in an individual clear jars with screw-on lidsThese colors may be used to make 3D nail art or mixed with glitters or overlaid with shell/ opal flakes for outstanding resultsCreate colorful and personalized effectyou can make different colors combinations and creat more imaginative nail art decoration.Usage:Before making Crystal Nail carved armor or the crystal liquid into ...
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loketseng bakeng sa ho sebelisoa bobeli litsebi le batho ka bomong.
21 fapaneng phofo.
A sa tšoaneng mebala ya powders lesela la acrylic thota ka linkho motho hlakile le nsete-ka lids
mebala tsena e ka sebediswa ho etsa 3D Nail bonono kapa tsoakane le glitter kapa koahela le khetla / Opal flakes bakeng sa diphetho hlaheletseng.
Create mebala-bala le Personalized e le hantle
u ka etsa mebala e fapaneng tlhakantsuke le creat feta boikakanyetsi Nail bonono mokhabiso.
Pele etsang Crystal Nail betliloeng lihlomo kapa mokelikeli kristale ka senoelo.
Le se betliloeng pene kristale kapa pentšele ka senoelong hore a nke metsi.
Fumana pene le phofo kristale.