Acrylic bubuk kuku
Pondok Description:
Feature:Ideal for both professional and personal use.21 different Powder.Varying colors of plain acrylic powders in an individual clear jars with screw-on lidsThese colors may be used to make 3D nail art or mixed with glitters or overlaid with shell/ opal flakes for outstanding resultsCreate colorful and personalized effectyou can make different colors combinations and creat more imaginative nail art decoration.Usage:Before making Crystal Nail carved armor or the crystal liquid into ...
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Idéal pikeun duanana pamakéan profésional sarta pribadi.
21 Bubuk béda.
Varying kelir of powders acrylic polos dina kendi jelas individu kalawan screw-on lids
kelir ieu bisa dipaké pikeun nyieun seni kuku 3D atawa dicampurkeun jeung glitters atanapi overlaid kalawan cangkang / opal flakes pikeun hasil beredar
Jieun pangaruh warni tur Pribadi
anjeun tiasa ngadamel kelir béda kombinasi jeung creat langkung imajinatif hiasan seni kuku.
Sateuacan nyieun Kristal kuku ukiran armor atawa cair kristal kana cup.
Ku kalam kristal ukiran atawa pensil di cup nyandak cair.
Meunang kalam kalayan bubuk kristal.