tattoo ART

tattoo ART

Pondok Description:

Art tattoo is to make art patterns with ink needles into the bottom layer of the skin and make some patterns on the skin.Maintenance:1. After finishing the tattoo, clean the entire area with a scented toner, apply the scented anti-inflammatory gel, and then wrap the bandage for at least two hours.2. Untie the bandage, wash the tattoo with the scented toner and blot the water.3. apply the color and anti-inflammatory gel, and remove the excess, the color of anti-inflammatory gel four tim...

  • FOB Harga: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Piece
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 100 Piece / Potongan
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 Piece / Potongan per Bulan
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Sarat pembayaran: T / T
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    Seni tattoo anu nyieun pola seni jeung jarum tinta kana lapisan handap kulit jeung nyieun sababaraha pola on kulit.

    1. Saatos pagawean tattoo nu, ngabersihan sakabéh aréa ku toner Scented, nerapkeun Scented gél anti radang, lajeng mungkus perban pikeun sahenteuna dua jam.
    2. ngarumbaykeun perban éta, nyeuseuh tattoo nu ku toner Scented na blot caina.
    3. nerapkeun warna na gél anti radang, sarta miceun kaleuwihan, warna gél anti radang opat kali sapoé.
    4. jaga bagéan tattoo beueus sarta breathable, teu kudu maké perban a.
    5. dina saminggu, aya ngojay atawa panjang immersion waktos di cai.
    6. Hindarkeun paparan kaleuleuwihan dina sabulan.
    7. moal bisa ngeruk atawa cimata off bagian scarred.
    8. Ieu bisa lega kucara ngetok atawa wiping alkohol.
    9. coba mun teu ngagem baju leupas.

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