Kelir rupa-rupa kuku ART STRIPING pita
Pondok Description:
Features:1. Self-adhesive, no glue is needed, clean and convenience for use.2. Can be used to design your own nail art, nail patterns, highlight etc.3. Can be used with UV gel, acrylic nail art, nail polish etc.4. Suitable for home and professional use.5. Great Stocking Stuffers! Beauty 30 Assorted colors Nail Art Striping Tape.6. Size: approx.4.3cm(Diameter) thickness:0.1cm (each one).7.Colors includes:silver,golden,laser golden,green,blue,red,purple,rose,white,etc.How to use:1. Cl...
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Tags produk
1. Timer napel, teu lem ieu diperlukeun, beresih jeung genah dipaké.
2. Bisa dipake mendesain seni paku sorangan, pola kuku, nyorot jsb
3. Bisa dipaké kalawan gél UV, seni kuku acrylic, Polandia kuku jeung sajabana
4. Cocog jeung imah jeung pamakéan profésional.
5. Great Stocking Stuffers! Beauty 30 kelir rupa-rupa kuku Art Striping tape.
6. Ukuran: approx.4.3cm (diaméter) ketebalan: 0.1cm (unggal salah).
7.Colors ngawengku: pérak, emas, laser emas, héjo, bulao, beureum, wungu, wungu, bodas, jsb.
Kumaha ngagunakeun:
1. Beresih beungeut mana desain téh ditempatkeun.
2. Pastikeun yén Polandia anu garing sateuacan dimimitian dina panempatan tape.
3. Roll kaluar kuku striping tape sakuliah kuku anjeun, enteng mencét anjeun balik.
4. Cut pita nu maké gunting kuku dimana rék tape pikeun mungkas.
5. Larapkeun luhur-jaket keur hasil pangalusna.