Pondok Description:

❤ End Zone – Football Centerpiece Sticks INCLUDES 15 End Zone – Football table toppers in three different shapes, 15 wooden dowel sticks and stickers for easy assembly. Football party table decorations are perfect for a baby shower or birthday party.❤ End Zone – Football Party Centerpiece Sticks SIZE five football table toppers, 11.75” wide x 7.5” tall; five football helmet table toppers, 7.25” wide x 6” tall; and five banner table toppers, 8” wide x 5.25” tall. The unique...

  • FOB Harga: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Piece
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 100 Piece / Potongan
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 Piece / Potongan per Bulan
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Sarat pembayaran: T / T
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    ❤ Tungtung Parabot - Football Centerpiece teken ngawengku 15 Tungtung Parabot - Football toppers tabel di tilu wangun béda, 15 kai dowel teken jeung stiker pikeun gampang assembly. Hiasan tabel pihak Football anu sampurna pikeun pancuran orok atanapi pihak ulang.
    ❤ Tungtung Parabot - Football Partéi Centerpiece teken SIZE lima toppers tabel bal, 11,75 "lega x 7,5" jangkung; lima toppers tabel bal helm, 7,25 "lega x 6" jangkung; jeung lima toppers tabel banner, 8 "lega x 5,25" jangkung. Desain unik sarta rupa-rupa buah ngajadikeun hiasan tabel ieu kit hiji tambahan impressive kana sagala pihak tema maén bal.
    ❤ gampang pihak decor - Tungtung Parabot - hiasan tabel Football bisa dipaké salaku centerpieces lamun napel na dowels kaasup jeung diselapkeun kana vases atanapi arrangements floral. Aranjeunna gampang aksen pancuran orok Anjeun atawa ti pihak ultah bonbon Tambaksari mun anjeun tambahkeun ka kendi apothecary. Méja toppers oge salian hébat kana sagala stan poto. The ngawangun cut beluk badag baris nyieun Anjeun pics pihak instan shareable.
    ❤ Tungtung Parabot - Football centerpiece teken nu yakin nyieun hiji pernyataan kumaha anjeun milih.
    ❤ premium pihak suplai - Tungtung Parabot - Football toppers tabel pihak anu professionally dicitak dina beurat-tugas makalah cardstock ku caang poto-kawas. Éta nu individual inspected tur taliti rangkep ku leungeun kalawan dowels kai jeung stiker pikeun gampang assembly. Meunang kreatif kalayan ideu pihak DIY anjeun!

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