Gél Polandia (JC2018N-005)

Pondok Description:
.head-wrapper{z-index:10001;} .lightbox{position:relative;}ღ Application: Apply 3 layers to get full color. Need to apply base and top coat, and cured under UV/LED nail dryer lamp.ღ Ingredient: Made of natural resin, healthy ingredients, low smell, non-toxic.ღ Customer Service: Any problem, please contact the seller directly, we offer replacement or refund service.ღ Nude pink color series of light to deep, suitable for all occasions, dating, work, travel, and etc.ღ Good qualit...
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Tags produk
- Aplikasi ღ: Larapkeun 3 lapisan ka meunang pinuh warna. Kudu nerapkeun basa jeung jaket luhur, sarta kapok handapeun UV / LED lampu dryer kuku.
- ღ bahan: Dijieunna tina résin alam, bahan cageur, bau low, non-toksik.
- ღ Service Palanggan: Sakur masalah, mangga ngahubungan seller langsung, urang nawiskeun ngagantian atawa ngabalikeun duit jasa.
- Warna runtuyan pink ღ buligir tina lampu kana jero, cocog pikeun sagala kali, dating, Pagawean, travel, sarta sajabana
- ღ kualitas alus: lila langgeng sareng aplikasi ditangtoskeun, sahanteuna 2 minggu.
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