Gél Polandia (JC2018N-011)

Pondok Description:
100% Brand New and High Quality.Great for Both Professional Nail Specialist or Nail Art Learners.These premium hearts stars nail art glitter can be applied with top coat or glue.DIY,enjoy your imagination,you can decorate whatever you’d like! your cell phone, mirror, or anything you want !
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Tags produk
100% Brand New jeung kualitasna.
Gede pikeun Boh Profesional kuku Spesialis atanapi paku Art peserta didik.
Ieu hate premium Béntang kuku seni glitter bisa dilarapkeun kalawan jaket luhur atawa lem.
DIY, ngarasakeun imajinasi anjeun, anjeun tiasa ngahias naon maneh dipilampah! ponsel anjeun, eunteung, atawa nanaon rék!
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