Kaca kuku stiker

Kaca kuku stiker

Pondok Description:

You will receive a long sheet of the Glass Nail Foils. Cut into your favorite shape, and create the Unparalleled Design Nail Art by yourself.The surface is mirror effect, it will appear different colors in different angle under the light.New Cool Nail Art; can be applied to fingers or toes.Usage Instructions :1. Paint base coat;2. Paint any color nail polish ;3. Cut the nail art glass foil paper into small pieces(any shape you want);4. Coated the top coat before put the small pieces o...

  • FOB Harga: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Piece
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 100 Piece / Potongan
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 Piece / Potongan per Bulan
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Sarat pembayaran: T / T
  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    Anjeun bakal nampa hiji lambar lila ti Kaca kuku Foils. Potong bentukna favorit anjeun, sarta nyieun Unparalleled Desain kuku Art ku diri.
    Beungeut téh pangaruh eunteung, bakal katémbong kelir béda dina Manglé béda dina caang.
    Anyar Cool kuku Art; bisa dilarapkeun ka ramo atawa toes.

    Parentah pamakéan:
    1. cet base jaket;
    2. cet sagala Polandia warna paku;
    3. Cut seni kuku kertas kaca foil kana buah leutik (sagala bentuk rék);
    4. coated nu jaket luhur méméh nyimpen potongan leutik onto paku;
    5. Paké colok huntu pikeun mindahkeun buah leutik méméh jaket luhureun tegalan;
    6. Lamun tulisan buah leutik kaca foil lengkep dina paku, lajeng coated kalayan lapisan jaket luhur, kaca geulis kertas foil kuku geus réngsé.

    Kaca kuku Sticker

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