Matte kuku Polandia (2018N-009)
Pondok Description:
.head-wrapper{z-index:10001;} .lightbox{position:relative;}No Gloss.Latest Beauty Trend.Available in wide range of colors.How to use – clean nails then apply nail polish, and finally apply nail top coat when polish dried.ABOUT THE COLOR – We have tried to accurately display the colors of this matte nail polish, the actual colors you see will depend on your monitor and only for your reference.SERVICE – If you have any questions about the product or do not sat...
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Tags produk
- Taya gloss.
- Panganyarna Beauty Trend.
- Sadia dina rupa-rupa warna.
- Kumaha ngagunakeun - kuku bersih lajeng nerapkeun Polandia kuku, sarta tungtungna nerapkeun kuku luhureun jas nalika Polandia garing.
- Ngeunaan warna - Urang geus diusahakeun nembongkeun akurat warna tina Polandia kuku matte ieu, warna nu sabenerna nu katingali bakal gumantung kana monitor anjeun sarta ukur pikeun rujukan anjeun.
- Service - Mun anjeun mibanda patalékan ngeunaan produk atawa teu puas, mangga ngarasa Luncat ngahubungan kami, kami bakal ngawalon dina 24 jam atawa nyadiakeun hiji ngabalikeun duit saratna.