Kuku remover (K-NR1001)

Pondok Description:
❤ Majestic Pure Soy Nail Polish Remover Infused with Tea Tree Oil; moisturizing and hydrating; DOES NOT REMOVE GEL; made in USA.❤ Expertly formulated to with safe ingredients, no acetone, acetate, or ethyl lactate.❤ SAFETY WARNING – Rub a very small amount on the inside of your elbow area to test for any allergic reaction before use. Avoid contact with eyes, keep out of the reach of children.❤ Infused with tea tree oil with several skin and nails benefits.❤ Majestic Pure Nail Pol...
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Tags produk
❤ Majestic murni Kecap kuku remover Polandia Infused kalawan Tea Tangkal Minyak; moisturizing na hydrating; Teu miceun gél; dilakukeun dina AS.
❤ Expertly ngarumuskeun mun jeung bahan aman, moal acetone, asétat, atawa étil laktat.
❤ kaamanan PERHATOSAN - Rub jumlah pisan leutik dina jero wewengkon siku anjeun pikeun nguji pikeun sagala réaksi alérgi saméméh pamakéan. Ulah kontak jeung panon, terus kaluar ti jangkauan sahiji barudak.
❤ Infused kalawan minyak tangkal tea kalawan sababaraha kauntungan kulit jeung kuku.
❤ Majestic murni kuku Polandia remover nyaeta cruelty-gratis.