Maelezo Mafupi:
.head-wrapper{z-index:10001;} .lightbox{position:relative;}The powder is made of high quality material,which makes the powder thinner and easier to be apply on nails.And it also brings super good effect.Suitable for any base color and using with other nail art decoration.Can be used widely.Don’t have to use a lot,only small amount can do great effect.Saving both of your precious time and the laser powder.You need to put a bit of pressure on it in order to make sure itR...
Bidhaa Detail
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- unga ni wa maandishi nyenzo high quality ambayo inafanya unga nyembamba na rahisi kuwa kuomba juu ya nails.And pia huleta athari super nzuri.
- Yanafaa kwa ajili ya rangi yoyote ya msingi na kutumia na nyingine msumari sanaa decoration.Can kutumika sana.
- Je, si kuwa na matumizi mengi, tu kiasi kidogo unaweza kufanya effect.Saving kubwa la wakati thamani yako na unga laser.
- Unahitaji kuweka kidogo ya shinikizo juu yake ili kuhakikisha ni iliyosuguliwa katika vizuri. Brush off ziada.
- Maagizo:
- 1.Apply msingi rangi (optional).
- 2.Apply safu ya juu gel maalum, au nyingine gel juu kanzu (yasiyo ya kufuta ilipendekeza lakini si required).
- 3.Use sifongo tipped eyeshadow applicator, au brashi Silicone Buff safu nyembamba ya rangi kwenye msumari juu ya ardhi.
- 4.Seal na kanzu gel juu.
- Ilipendekeza ya kutumika juu ya gel topcoat na kufungwa na kanzu gel juu. Best kutumika kwa No Futa Gel Top Coat.
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