Kel, Polsha (K-UV001)

Qisqa Tasvir:
.head-wrapper{z-index:10001;} .lightbox{position:relative;}QUICK TO REMOVE: Soak-off gel generally easier and faster to take off than most gel polishes, it only takes five minutes to remove.With a proper application, 2 WEEKS+ wearing is attainable.On like polish, Wears like Gel, Off in minutes. Mirror shine finish.Painting 2 coats that can achieve its true colors.REMINDER: Cure under UV/LED nail dryer lamp.
Mahsulot batafsil
Mahsulot teglar
Quick olib tashlash uchun: Soak-off gel odatda oson va eng gel cilalarıydı ortiq off olish tezroq, faqat olib tashlash uchun besh daqiqa davom etadi.
To'g'ri qo'llash bilan, 2 hafta + kiygan erishish mumkin.
Kabi shevasida, daqiqada Off, gel kabi Wears. Mirror tugatish porlaydilar.
Uning haqiqiy rangini erishish mumkin 2 paltolar binoni.
REMINDER: UV / LED Sun'iy Qo'shtirnoq chiroq ostida Cure.