Matt NAIL POLISH (2018N-009)
Qisqa Tasvir:
.head-wrapper{z-index:10001;} .lightbox{position:relative;}No Gloss.Latest Beauty Trend.Available in wide range of colors.How to use – clean nails then apply nail polish, and finally apply nail top coat when polish dried.ABOUT THE COLOR – We have tried to accurately display the colors of this matte nail polish, the actual colors you see will depend on your monitor and only for your reference.SERVICE – If you have any questions about the product or do not sat...
Mahsulot batafsil
Mahsulot teglar
- Hech Gloss.
- Oxirgi Go'zallik Trend.
- rangdagi keng mavjud.
- qanday foydalanish - toza mix keyin tirnoq Polsha amal va Polsha quritilgan qachon nihoyat, tirnoq eng palto amal.
- Rang haqida - Biz aniq, bu mot tirnoq sayqal rang ko'rsatish uchun harakat qildik, siz ko'rib haqiqiy ranglar monitoringiz va faqat Malumot uchun bog'liq bo'ladi.
- XIZMAT - Agar mahsulot haqida hech qanday savol yoki rozi bo'lmasangiz, bizga murojaat qiling, biz 24 soat ichida javob yoki shartsiz qaytarib beradi iltimos.