Qisqa Tasvir:
❤ Majestic Pure Soy Nail Polish Remover Infused with Tea Tree Oil; moisturizing and hydrating; DOES NOT REMOVE GEL; made in USA.❤ Expertly formulated to with safe ingredients, no acetone, acetate, or ethyl lactate.❤ SAFETY WARNING – Rub a very small amount on the inside of your elbow area to test for any allergic reaction before use. Avoid contact with eyes, keep out of the reach of children.❤ Infused with tea tree oil with several skin and nails benefits.❤ Majestic Pure Nail Pol...
Mahsulot batafsil
Mahsulot teglar
Choy daraxti yog'i ichiga ❤ aziz Pure Soy modda sökücü; moisturizing va nemlendirme; Gel ko'tarmasdi; AQShda qildi.
Oshirish bo'yicha xavfsiz moddalar, hech aseton, asetat, yoki etil laktat uchun formuladan ❤.
❤ SAFETY OGOHLANTIRISH - foydalanishdan oldin har qanday allergik reaktsiya uchun sinash uchun tirsak maydoni ichki juda oz miqdorda, poklaninglar. , Ko'zlari bilan muloqot qilishdan saqlaning bolalar yeta olmaydigan tutish.
❤ necha teri va mixlar imtiyozlar bilan choy daraxti yog'i bilan tindiriladi.
❤ aziz Pure modda sökücü shafqatsizlik-bepul.